Friday 12 October 2012

Digital Technologies

(ongoing to be updated)
Technologies I used last year:                                      
- Photoshop: which was used to edit my pictures and put them together on the magazine that I creating which included a front cover, a contents page and a double page spread with images and interview of the models.                                                                    
- Adobe premier: this was used to make my evaluaton when I had completed everything. By using this it allowed me to put all the pictures together and add our audio voice over it.                                                              
- Audacity: this was the software we used to add the audio voice over to adobe premier. We could cut and edit the different parts that we wanted to use to analyse our final product.                                                                  
- Digital camera: When making our magazine front cover, contents page and double page spread it was important that we had professional look to our magazine and that none of the pictures were a bad quality or blurry.

New technologies Im using this year:
- Final cut
- Motion

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